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The waters in the Upper Klamath Basin originate under an extinct volcano (Mt. Mazama) which forms Crater Lake, these waters emerge from the mountains to form pristine spring-fed creeks & streams filling the local lakes & rivers. Crater Lake, located in Crater Lake National Park, minutes away from Upper Klamath Lake, has some of the purest waters in the world and the crystal clear springs flowing under the mountain provide some of the cleanest rivers you will find anywhere in the world.
With so many Spring Creeks, Wetlands, and Mountain Lakes. There is an abundance of attractions for paddling a kayak or canoe on the calm and meandering waters of the Klamath Basin. It’s a great place to learn, explore & discover!
The Klamath Basin has many freshwater marshes, mountain lakes, and slow-moving spring creeks that offer excellent peaceful water paddling opportunities. Each waterway offers spectacular views of the marsh, open lake, mountains, forests & grassy meadows. Birds and other wildlife are found abundantly as you explore from your kayak or canoe. During the fall and spring 1-3 million ducks, geese, swans, and other migratory birds make their way to the Basin to rest and feed before continuing on their migratory journey. For the best birding opportunities, we recommend paddling early or late in the day. More than 350 species have been observed in the Klamath Basin so odds are you’ll see a bird or two. Paddling often allows an intimate look at white pelicans Bald Eagles, Osprey, and smaller birds such as swallows, warblers, and flycatchers.
The Upper Klamath Basin has lots of fish and wildlife for you to view and enjoy. Here, over 2/3's of the birds on the Pacific Flyway visit throughout the year and use it as a rookery. Our Wood River Wetlands Tour takes you through areas where thousands of birds call their home and during the spring you will witness a spectacular wildlife display.
Our river systems grow the largest trout in the U.S. called Redband Trout, along with German Brown Trout and other species. These Redband Trout can grow up to an enormous 30 pounds! If you want to go on a fishing experience you will never forget, join one of our guided fishing charter tours.
Adventure Oregon's owner Troy Miller is a 5th generation resident of the Klamath Basin and has over 30 years of experience guiding activities in the local area. Our guided tours explore a variety of locations throughout the Klamath Basin and your guide will be there to help you with paddling techniques and to share information on the region and its people.
We offer several ways for you to enjoy a kayaking or canoeing adventure in our beautiful area. Explore our kayak & canoe adventure options below!